
In the depths of a story untold, a tapestry woven with threads of old, a complex dance of hearts entwined,
A tale of a mother and a grandmother kind.

An accident, they labeled me, dear, a surprise that filled their hearts with fear. For my mother, uncertain and unsure, a path she wasn’t prepared to endure.

Yet amidst the storm, a voice emerged, my grandmother’s wisdom, gentle and spurred. She saw in me a beacon of light, a chance for love to set things right.

With tender words, she pleaded and pled, for a mother’s heart to not be misled. Her love, like a river, flowed so deep, nurturing dreams, as secrets she’d keep.

Oh, the echoes of conflicted souls, where longing clashed with youthful roles. My mother, torn between worlds apart, her wavering love, a delicate art.

She carried me within her womb, as nature’s bond began to bloom. But her heart, a tempest of emotions,
touched by love and whispered devotions.

I grew in a world of paradox, a tangle of emotions, locked in a box. Yearning for love, yet feeling misplaced, caught in a web of what destiny traced.

And my grandmother, like a steady guide, held my hand, never once denied. Her love, unwavering, strong and true, she filled the void that my mother once knew.

In her arms, I found solace and peace, a love that offered sweet soul’s release. She nurtured my spirit, shaped my mind, Filling the gaps my mother left behind. through their intricate dance, a bond formed,
A tapestry of love, weathered and warmed.

For the mother who wasn’t ready to be, and the grandmother who raised me, you see. Now, as time’s tapestry slowly unfurls, may forgiveness and healing begin to twirl.

For within this complex web of past, a love’s potential forever can last. In the journey from then to now,
May understanding and grace endow, The tangled hearts that once felt strife, And bring harmony to our shared life.

For I am are a treasure, never forget, A beautiful soul, worth every debt. And in the story that intertwines,
my worthiness forever shines.

-Scott Leopold