The Pianist

In a realm where melodies are born, Where passion and grace truly adorn, There dwells a girl, ethereal and bright, A radiant star, illuminating the night.

With slender fingers, her touch so gentle, She weaves enchantment, notes sentimental. Her hands caress ivory, like whispers divine, Painting a symphony, melodies align.

She sits at the piano, her presence serene, A vision of elegance, a musical queen. Her eyes, like sapphire pools, reflect the keys, As she unlocks the depths of harmonies.

Each stroke, a brush on a canvas of sound, Her soul dances, melodies abound. A tapestry woven with delicate care, Her music resounds, floating in the air.

She breathes life into each note she plays, A maestro of emotions, she conveys. From tender sonatas to fiery refrains, She enchants the heart, dissolving all chains.

Her fingers dance, a ballet of delight, Guiding us through realms of sheer respite. With every chord, a story is told, Of love, of longing, and dreams untold.

As her melodies soar, hearts become light, Transcending boundaries, taking flight. Her music embraces, heals, and consoles, An enchanting serenade that forever consoles.

Oh, the magic that lies within her hands, Creating a symphony that forever expands. She paints a portrait, vivid and true, A testament to the beauty she imbues.

So, I sit in awe, as her music unfolds, In the presence of this goddess, untold. Her piano becomes an extension of her soul, And in her melodies, I find myself whole.

-Scott Leopold