The Old Man and The Sea

The old man sailed out to sea, In search of fish and destiny. For many days he cast his line, With hope and patience, a heart divine.

The waves were rough, the wind was strong, But the old man sailed all day long. He battled sharks, he fought with might, And held his ground with all his might.

His hands were calloused, his eyes were wise, As he looked up at the endless skies. He knew the sea, its highs and lows, And the secrets that the ocean knows.

At last, he caught a mighty fish, His strength was tested, his heart did wish, For victory, for pride, for a story to tell, Of the old man who sailed so well.

With every struggle, every strife, The old man proved his love for life. And though he returned with an empty boat, His spirit soared, and his heart did float.

For in the end, it’s not about the fish, But the journey that fulfilled his wish. The old man sailed out to sea, And found the joy of being free.

– Scott Leopold