Rape Me

When I was young and innocent, the world was full of wonderment. I laughed and played and ran about, and never had a single doubt.

But then one day, it all changed, the world around me rearranged. I learned of pain and loss and grief, and suddenly my heart felt brief.

The innocence I once possessed, was gone, forever laid to rest. I saw the darkness in the world, and felt my innocence unfurled.

It’s not that I was unprepared, or that I didn’t know or care. But still it hurt to lose that light, to leave behind the carefree sight.

And though I’m older now and wise, and see the world through jaded eyes, I still remember that young child, who lost their innocence, defiled.

So let us all protect the young, and keep them safe from what’s unsung. For innocence is precious, true, and once it’s gone, it’s gone for you.

-Scott Leopold